Wednesday, May 6, 2020

October Sky Essay - 610 Words

Homer Hickam was a teenage boy from a mining town in West Virginia called Coalwood. He inspired to build rockets when he seen the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, streak across the stars. With his friends and the local nerd, Homer sets out to do just that but with many errors and trials. Along with the town, Homers father thought they were wasting their time with their rockets. He wanted Homer to be a coal miner just like everyone else but Homer knew he didnt belong there. As time went on, some people from town became interested in seeing the homemade missiles launch into the sky. The boys became popular and were known as the Rocketboys around town. When Homer and his friends fired one of the first rockets off and it crashed†¦show more content†¦During this time Homers dad was really disappointed in him because he quit football to build these rockets. Homer says he is never going to mine coal. One day after they shot off a rocket, the police came to the school to arrest Homer and his friends for starting a forest fire. They gave up on building rockets because all of their dreams were crushed. That night his father was hurt mining and Homer quit school and worked in the mines to help pay the hospital bills. His dad changed his attitude about Homer when he worked in the mines because he thought he was doing the right thing. Homer didnt like it at all and his hopes and dreams were gone. After work one night, Homers mom told him that Miss Reilly was sick. When he went to visit her, she told him that he didnt belong in the mine and that he needed to stick to his dreams. That night he opened the book she gave him and started to work on the math and where the rocket went when the police said that it started the fire. He calculated that he didnt start the fire. Homer quit his job, went back to school, and won the County Science Fair. He was sent to Indianapolis for the National Science Fair. His dad was disappointed again that Homer went back to building rockets. He was the only one in town who didnt believe in Homer and his friends. His father helped him out when all of Homers rocket supplies were stolen in Indianapolis the night before the science fair. His father made himShow MoreRelatedOctober Sky956 Words   |  4 PagesOctober Sky Marion Eady The film October Sky (1999), directed by Joe Johnson is based on a true story of Homer Hickman ( a coal miners son) who is inspired to build a rocket after the Russian launch of the first artificial satellite (Sputnik) into orbit. The film definitely focuses on the course theme of being a social outcast. This is explored in the film through three people, John Hickman (Homers Father), the town of Coalwood and Mr.Turner (Homers principle). 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Homer, who is the main character faced many challenges, to achieve his launch rocket. Homer who is equally the son of the miner s supervisors named John Hickam. Homer and his friends Roy Lee and Scott O ‘Dell got together one night with some neighbors after the bulletin announced the Russians rocket. Sputnik 1 wasRead MoreThe Afterlife And August Sky1260 Words   |  6 Pages The characters in both stories experience important, but hard to deal with rites of passages. For example, we see in October Sky how O’dell has to deal with his abusive step dad. In The Afterlife we read how Robert all his life has had to deal with not having a home to live in because his parents left him. These are all important because they can affect the characters later on in there life. 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