Sunday, December 29, 2019

Biography of Warren G. Harding, 29th U.S. President

Warren  Gamaliel  Harding (November 2, 1865–August 2, 1923) was the 29th president of the United States. He was in office when World War I formally ended by the signing of the Knox-Porter Resolution. Harding died of a heart attack while he was still in the White House; he was succeeded by Vice President Calvin Coolidge. Fast Facts: Warren G. Harding Known For: Harding was the 29th president of the United States; he died of a heart attack while he was still in office.Born: November 2, 1865 in Blooming Grove, OhioParents: George Tryon Harding and Phoebe Elizabeth Dickerson HardingDied: August 2, 1923 in San Francisco, CaliforniaEducation: Ohio Central College (B.A.)Spouse: Florence Kling  (m.  1891–1923)Children: ElizabethNotable Quote: Americas present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums, but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration; not agitation, but adjustment; not surgery, but serenity; not the dramatic, but the dispassionate; not experiment, but equipoise; not submergence in internationality, but sustainment in triumphant nationality. Early Life Warren G. Harding was born on November 2, 1865, in Corsica, Ohio. His father George was a doctor and his mother Phoebe was a midwife. Warren was raised on the family farm and attended a small local school. When he was only 14 years old, he began attending Ohio Central College. As a student, Warren and a friend published a small paper called the Iberia Spectator. Warren graduated from college in 1882. Career After college, Harding worked briefly as a teacher, an insurance salesman, and a reporter before buying a newspaper called the Marion Star. Through persistence and hard work, he was able to turn the failing newspaper into a powerful local institution. Harding used the paper to promote local businesses and build relationships with advertisers. On  July 8, 1891, Harding married  Florence Mabel Kling DeWolfe. She was divorced with one son. Harding is known to have had two extramarital affairs while married to Florence. He had no legitimate children; however, he did later have one daughter—Elizabeth—through an extramarital affair with Nan Britton. In 1899, Harding was elected to the Ohio State Senate. He served until 1903, making a name for himself as one of the most popular Republicans in Ohio. He was then elected lieutenant governor of the state. Harding attempted to run for the governorship but lost in 1910. In 1915, he became a U.S. Senator from Ohio, a position he held until 1921. As a senator, Harding was part of Congresss Republican minority, and he tried to preserve his popularity by avoiding controversial political positions. On the subject of womens suffrage, for example, he did not voice support until other Senate Republicans did, and he took stances both for and against Prohibition. Presidential Election Harding was nominated to run for president for the Republican Party as a  dark horse candidate following the 1919 death of Theodore Roosevelt, the partys favorite. Hardings running mate was  Calvin Coolidge, the governor of Massachusetts. He was opposed by Democrat James Cox. In 1920, Harding won the election with 60% of the popular vote and 404 electoral votes. Presidency President Hardings  time in office was marked by several major scandals. The most significant scandal was known as Teapot Dome. Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall secretly sold the right to oil reserves in Teapot Dome, Wyoming, to a private company in exchange for $308,000 and some cattle. He also sold the rights to other national oil reserves. After he was caught, Fall was sentenced to one year in jail. Other officials under Harding were also implicated in or convicted of bribery, fraud, conspiracy, and other forms of wrongdoing. Harding died, however, before these events began to affect his presidency. Unlike his predecessor  Woodrow Wilson, Harding did not support America joining the League of Nations (an early version of the United Nations). His opposition meant that America did not join the organization at all. The body ended in failure without Americas participation. Even though America did not ratify the Treaty of Paris ending  World War I, Harding did sign a joint resolution officially ending the state of war between Germany and America. As part of his isolationist stance, Harding also opposed further American intervention in Latin America; he was critical of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt for their involvement in American activities in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. From 1921 to 1922, America agreed to a limit of arms, according to a set tonnage ratio between Great Britain, the United States, Japan, France, and Italy. Furthermore, America agreed to respect the Pacific property of Great Britain, France, and Japan and to preserve the Open Door Policy in China. During his presidency, Harding also spoke out on  civil rights  and commuted the sentence of socialist Eugene V. Debs, who had been convicted of anti-war demonstrations during World War I and imprisoned in the Atlanta Penitentiary. Harding released other anti-war activists as well. Though he was only in office for a short time, Harding made four appointments to the Supreme Court, nominating former president William Howard Taft, George Sutherland, Pierce Butler, and Edward Terry Sanford. Death On August 2, 1923, Harding died of a heart attack in San Francisco, California, which he was visiting as part of a tour of the western United States. He was succeeded as president by Calvin Coolidge. Legacy Harding is widely considered one of the worst presidents in American history. Much of this is due to the number of scandals that his appointees were involved in. He was integral for keeping America out of the League of Nations while meeting with key nations to attempt to limit arms. He created the Bureau of the Budget as the first formal budgetary body. His early death probably saved him from impeachment over the many scandals of his administration. Sources Dean, John W.  Warren G. Harding. Thorndike Press, 2004.Mee, Charles L.  Ohio Gang: The World of Warren G. Harding. M Evans Co, 2014.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Milton Friedman s A Shareholder Approach Essay - 1415 Words

A. Article written by Milton Freeman (1970). Milton Friedman took a â€Å"Shareholder Approach† to social responsibility. This approach claimed that owners provide fund to a company’s managers or entrepreneurs (we called â€Å"manager† here after for easy citation). Those managers are supposed to use the fund only in ways that have been authorized by the owners. Friedman proposed that the only one social responsibility of business is to increase its profits as long as it operates with open and free competition without deception. Milton Friedman’s major arguments: 1. A corporation is an artificial person and therefore cannot be socially responsible. The goal of the corporation is to maximize profits and returns as rewards to its shareholders for their risk taking in compliance with the basic rules of the society, such as law and ethical custom, except those organizations established for eleemosynary purpose. 2. Managers are the agents of the owners of business. Their primary responsibilities were to the owners. Spending corporation’s money for a general social interest is not acting in owners’ best interests (conflict of interests between owners and the beneficiaries for the social interests). Managers who spend corporation’s money on social responsibility are irresponsible. 3. Presumably, managers are the experts in running business. They are not the experts on using their owner’s money for non-business purposes (how much to spend on â€Å"social† purposes? How to spend? Who are theShow MoreRelatedCorporate Social Responsibility Definition1011 Words   |  5 Pagesenvironmental issues. Milton Friedman is founder of the Monetarist trend and one of the powerful and efficient economists who has claimed against classical Keynesian approach. He has published his own definition about Corporate Social Responsibility in 1970 in The New York Times Magazine. â€Å"CSR is to increase company s profits† (Friedman, 1970). I completely disagree with Friedman. In my opinion, this definition is not about the CSR and his approach reflects cruel capitalism’s factsRead MoreMilton Friedman And The Social Responsibility Of Business Essay1237 Words   |  5 Pages Step 1: Summarize the major arguments of Friedman and Freeman et al. on CSR A. â€Å"The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits†, written by Milton Freeman (1970). Milton Friedman took a â€Å"Shareholder Approach† to social responsibility. This approach asserts that shareholders advance capital to a company’s managers, who are supposed to spend corporate funds only in ways that have been authorized by the shareholders. Friedman wrote: There is one and only one social responsibilityRead MoreThe Corporate Social Responsibilities ( Csr ) And Maintainability1483 Words   |  6 Pagesthe financial analysts Milton Friedman and Stigler s towards CSR and business separately. 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Friedman argued that â€Å"neo-classical economic theory suggests that the purpose of the organisations is to make profits in their accountability to themselves and their shareholders and that only by doing so can business contribute to wealth for itself and society at large†. On the other hand, the theory of stakeholder suggests that the managers of an organisation doRead MoreThe Business World Of 21st Century1488 Words   |  6 Pagestraditional view, the shareholders were the main stakeholders in the company. This traditional view has started to be challenged in the late 20th century. Freeman (2010) stated that ‘the business world of 21st century has undergone dramatic change’. In corporate governance theory, there are mainly two kinds of arguments. The first one is that a firm should focus on the shareholder wealth maximisation, which is called theory of shareholder. This one might be considered as the traditional approach. The otherRead More: Critically Evaluate Corporate Social Responsibility as an Ethical Tool Basing Some of Your Argument on the Toyota Case Study1711 Words   |  7 Pagesway and in the interest of the wider community through responding positively to emerging societal priorities and expectations, this all should be done while they is a willingness of an entity to act ahead of regulatory confrontation,. balancing shareholder interests against the interests of the wider community and being a good citizen in the community Four Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility †¢ Economic view this view in Summary takes solely that C.S.R responsibility is to earn profit forRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility2898 Words   |  12 Pagesï » ¿ VIEWS AGAINST THE NEOCLASSICAL ECONOMICAL SHAREHOLDER APPROACH SWAPNA NANDHAKUMAR G20613641 INTRODUCTION Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), defined as â€Å"the broad array of strategies and operating practices that a company develops in its effects to deal with and create relationships with it numerous stakeholders and the natural environment† (Waddock, 2004). 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Customer Complaint Issue Free Essays

Introduction There is a complaint letter sent by Dr. William E. Loflin. We will write a custom essay sample on The Customer Complaint Issue or any similar topic only for you Order Now They were extremely upset and very insulted by the experience. He said that our staff is not well trained and overtly rude. There are several problems that he complaint about our service, but he still think the food was excellent. Here are the ways to solve the issue. Recommendation I suggest company should organize a training course for the staffs. The training provides staff with increased skills and abilities. Using the common cases of complaint customer and teaches the staff how to handle the problems in a right way and therefore increases the quality service. Also, it provide a time for staff build up the team spirit. Since customers are more demanding, restaurant should increase the service quality that can provide an edge of competitive advantage and meet the satisfaction of customers. Also, the service not only including how the staffs serve the guest when they in the dining room but also the whole process in the restaurant, from the entrance area to bill presentation and the farewell, all the performance must be done well. Staffs always follow the rules and regulation set by restaurant management, but they overlook their service skills is the first impression of the customers. Therefore, the staff should know what quality is, it doesn’t only means providing the food and environment but the service are also important. Understanding how to meet the customers’ expectations can add value in a delighted result. Moreover, restaurant can execute the performance appraisal every month. Establishing performance standards to the staffs, the customer feedback and supervisor observation can be affecting the appraisal. The appraisal will be show to the staff, see how well they did and the mistakes. And, the best of the staff will post it on the board and bonuses; therefore the staff can build up the strengths and overcome the weaknesses. Since employees are unaware of the identify the shopper, supervisor should announce that mystery shoppers will go to restaurant. Mystery shopper can give valuable feedback on the potential problems such as environment, service, food and beverage. Therefore, the staff will know where they did wrong and improve it. For the customers, when performance did not match their expectation, problems arose when services or products were unavailable, performance is slow, or where the service or product was unacceptable, the customer will not return anymore. The way to solve the service problems is to put a comments card on the table or brought by server at the conclusion of the meal. It can allow customer to evaluate the meal experience and any dissatisfaction. After receive it, restaurant must improve the issue immediately so that it can maintain a good service for the customers. Finally, we can reply a apologize letter to Mr. Loflin and send him a coupon to build a good relationship. Because most of customers did not say anything and don’t return to the restaurant anymore. Mr. Loflin sent a letter to us, it means he wants the restaurant do any improvement and he will still go to this restaurant for the meal, therefore we sent him a coupon to invite him go to the restaurant and we would improve the issue that we made, so that he would be satisfaction when returning to our restaurant. How to cite The Customer Complaint Issue, Essay examples